World of Tanks Blitz and the Free Pack are always free. World of Tanks Blitz + 2 DLCs : How To Get Them FREE! Note: if you already have the vehicle in your Garage, you will not receive compensation. The Premium Account time, credits, boosters, and certificates for x5 XP will help your progress along the Tech Tree jump into hyperspace Together with the tank, you’ll get a certificate for the Invader Epic animated camouflage, the Night Hunter avatar, and a solid supply of resources. 2’s first-class weapon will destroy enemies quickly and dramatically, while its solid amount of HP will give the vehicle a great chance to withstand fire. The Durchbruchswagen 2 heavy tank is a formidable vehicle with a penetrating gun that’s as powerful as a meteor strike. Certificate for the Invader Epic animated camouflage for Tier IV–VI vehicles.2 German Tier IV Collector heavy tank with a Garage slot 2 Collector tank in an animated camouflage of celestial beauty, 168 Earth hours of Premium Account, a heap of boosters that stretch into low orbit, and certificates for x5 XP topped by an astronomical amount of credits.

No matter how hard the last battle was, with Premium Account, you’ll get 50% more XP and credits regardless of the battle’s outcome! Clan functionality allowing players to unite in their pursuit of victory and invite their friends to play online.Battle Missions that open up new, personalized challenges and let players earn bonuses and achievements.Easy to learn, intuitive touch-screen controls.Constant updates and graphical enhancements optimization for various devices.Innovative crew upgrades to enhance your tank and refine your gaming style.Deep progression system: 10 tiers of tanks to unlock and explore.Free-to-win: equal access to in-game elements for everyone.Over 300 iconic vehicles from nations across the world.