conversation_id, " \n " ) Conversation ID: 3etgwd > print ( "Speaker ID:", utt. Edit: sorry, advice goes for your friend, not you! > print ( "Conversation ID:", utt. But I think you might be able to find someone at CAPS who is worth talking to.

If you feel pressured or if they do not seem willing to listen to you as a separate individual (versus you being just one of many who have X diagnosis), stop seeing them. You are under no obligation to tell them everything and it is even okay to express that you aren't comfortable with that idea yet.

Personally, I think it's worth finding one of the resident doctors and having an initial session with them. One man actually thought giving me handouts in comic sans font would help me. I felt condescended, treated like a child. My bad experiences were with anyone else. While they are only there on a yearly rotation program, I've found them to have the highest degree of professionalism, understanding, and empathy for students either mental illness. text, " \n " ) Text: My good experiences with CAPS were with the PsyD (I think?) student residents. reply_to, " \n " ) Reply_to: 3etgwd > print ( "Timestamp:", utt. id, " \n " ) ID: ctj0ssa > print ( "Reply_to:", utt.

> # primary data fields > print ( "ID:", utt. random_utterance () > print ( utt ) Utterance('id': 'ctj0ssa', 'conversation_id': 3etgwd, 'reply-to': 3etgwd, 'speaker': Speaker('id': KCSunshine111, 'meta': ) # Let's see this in a random utterance from the r/Cornell Corpus > utt = corpus.